
My parents immigrated to the United States in 1996 with 3 year old me and my 1 year old sister. They settled in Southern California (SoCal) where I pretty much grew up. I went to college in Northern California (NorCal), which in my opinion is a completely different state. After graduating with my B.S. in 2015 I moved to Michigan for work. 

When I tell people this story, their first reaction is always “why on earth did you move to Michigan?” I get this from Californians and Michiganders. At first, I never felt at home in Michigan, but in the 5 years I’ve been here I bought my first house, adopted my first pet, a cat, and married the love of my life …. so Michigan is starting to feel more like a second home for me. 

I started the blog for 3 reasons:

  1. I enjoy writing 
  2. I enjoy reading and learning about finance and investing
  3. I want to help others learn about personal finance and investing, and I want to share some of my learnings and mistakes made

I strongly believe that anyone who is fortunate enough to earn enough money to have a savings account should, at least, be a passive investor. Even though the United States has the world’s best education system, there are many people that have never learned about personal finance or basic investing. For example, my sister has a B.S., a M.S., and an M.D. (almost 10 years of higher education), but during one of our conversations she didn’t have the slightest idea what an ETF was, what a brokerage account was, nor what a dividend was. Up until that conversation, she believed the best place to earn interest was through her bank’s savings account. When I first started working, I was also in the same predicament as my sister. I never learned about investing or personal finance until I took it upon myself to learn, and up until that point I made several mistakes. This blog is my attempt to help others and myself learn more about investing and personal finance. 

I hope you join me on this journey!